
Choose and Choose Again

Quick recap. I sent out an email in the evening on March 12 saying that I planned to continue working. The next afternoon, I was a mess of doubt. Continuing to work didn’t feel right, pausing from work didn’t feel right. I kept gathering more information about our local region and how other places have been affected and impacted by COVID-19. I regret to say, many of the leadership organizations for massage therapists had neglected to take a stand for us to do what’s best in protecting you, our clients, the public’s health. That meant that the choice to work or not work fell on the shoulders of each individual therapist (as well in other fields such as chiropractors, physical therapists, nail techs, hair stylists, estheticians as I understand) or their employer.

At a time when my clients could most use a place to relax and let go of stress, the voluntary choice to NOT be there to do that anymore was so difficult to make. I came to the somber realization in evening of March 13 that the gain is just not worth the risk. March 14, I called each of my clients who were scheduled the following week to cancel their appointments. I’m on “vacation” March 23-27 and will keep tabs on the development of the situation as the end of the month gets closer. To be honest, I anticipate a longer suspension than these two-weeks. Please keep an eye on email (sign up at the bottom of this page for updates here) and my business Facebook page for updates. 

In the meantime, I will do my best to post positive self-care ideas and share what I’m doing while I’m away from clients to my business Facebook page. That being said, tip #1 I have is to limit the time you spend on social media and watching the news. It’s great to stay informed and connected, just beware of where your focus is and how that is affecting your mental health. Honestly, that’s why it took me until March 17 to send out this update. My practice is like a child to me, being ripped out of my arms. I was an emotional mess the previous few days and needed to grieve and take care of me. As much as I tend to be optimistic and look for silver linings, I too, get caught in the yuck at times. Which brings me to tip #2: allow yourself to be vulnerable, ask for help either directly to one person or broad to a group of people. If you’re seeking help directly, ask the person first if they have the bandwidth to hear you and be there for you at that moment. If they say no, respect that, ask someone else. Then, when you’re feeling better, reach out to who said no and see how they’re doing now. 

There’s a lot of change in all of our lives, and we will get through this. 

I will be considering other ways I can serve you during this time of social distancing. Top of mind is staying connected and remaining a source of ease of stress in your life. You are invited to pre-pay for sessions, packages, or gift certificates if that speaks to you. If what is set up online doesn’t match what you’re looking for, or you’d like a personal recommendation or just to chat, please give me a call. I would love to hear your voice!