
You and your body have proprioceptive awareness of all the energy around you–beyond your “bubble.” This can be a blessing or a curse. It means we’re capable of sensing and mimicking the dis-ease of other people, and it also means that as we clear the energy that is sticking us, those around us also benefit. Many of the body processes correlate with immunity and would be a wonderful contribution for your body and our community. Access body processes can be incorporated into a massage session or done separately while the client remains clothed.

Access Consciousness has discovered over 50 body processes; energies that can facilitate a body to change and transform. Each of these dynamic processes can be run as a hands-on energy that invites the body to begin to heal and create itself. An Access Consciousness Body Process is a hands-on method that uses different hand placements on various positions on the body and then asking specific energies to run at each spot. These processes facilitate the body back into its original functions, which assist with repairing and the longevity of the body. These processes unlock and change the energies of suffering and fixed points of views we hold in our bodies.